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Your Smartphone and Internet Access Are All You Need to Write a Research Paper

Do you have an upcoming research paper to finish? Are you running out of time to actually sit down and write? Have you thought about writing your assignment on the go, but you are not sure you can do it on the phone?

If you are struggling to find ways on how to write a research paper on your smartphone, you are in for a treat. We prepared a detailed guideline every research paper writer should know about.

Including some handy tips and tricks that can make the whole writing process go a lot smoother. If you are worried about finishing your term paper on a good note, you might want to ask a research paper writing service like Edubirdie for help. A service such as this can take some of the weight off your shoulders. Here are some of the most practical tips that can work with any sample research paper you have to do.

Why Use a Smartphone to Write a Research Paper?

A lot of people argue about the usefulness of smartphones, particularly for students in college. With over 95% of the student population owning a smartphone, it has become immensely difficult to control academic cheating. But, there is more to these devices than it meets the eye.

According to statistical analysis, over 83% of students are using these devices for their course activities, while 78% consider smartphones a significant factor in their academic success.

The question is, what makes smartphones so good for higher education, and how can you rely on these small screens to write a sample research paper?

It is true that many students use phones as a distraction. But, they can also be effective learning tools. Every research paper writer knows how taxing it can be to finish those assignments in college, particularly for anyone on a tight budget or short deadlines.

The tuition, commute, and tools you need to have can put a lot of strain on your budget. For those who have to study and work, it makes sense to invest in a term paper writing service. But, when you want to find a way to save time and do assignments on the go, that’s when you can turn to your smartphone.

Besides, there is no need to spend any additional money. Almost everyone has a smartphone nowadays, and you don’t need the most expensive device to do the job, either. Any phone will do. It’s practical, effective, and a cheap way to write a paper.

How to Write a Research Paper on a Smartphone?

Your smartphone can drastically improve your academic performance, explains Rizwan R. Ahmed, a social science expert.

When writing a research paper, you have to pay attention to the following rules. You need to:

A lot of students are wondering how to write a research paper on such a small screen. It may seem tricky, but it’s the complete opposite. Mobile devices are computers too—a formidable one, to be exact.

In fact, our smartphones have come a long way. They have many features, options, and capabilities that can make the writing process a lot easier. Plus, you can use them to find a research paper example for inspiration.

That’s where writing apps can come in handy, like Werdsmith, for example. You have plenty of writing apps that can turn the small device into a full-blown paper writer. You can rely on their features to customize the assignment accordingly, pick a format, set the theme, and more.

But, do have in mind that writing on the smartphone is a little bit slower than working on an actual computer screen. If you don’t think you can get it right, you might want to rely on a term paper service for a little help.

How to Save Time?

The first obstacle you will have to overcome is efficiency. Getting used to phone typing can be taxing. If you are used to typing on the desktop screen, it will take you around five times longer to write the assignment on your smartphone.

That’s because each tenth entry will most likely be an error.

When typing on the phone, you don’t get to feel the keyboard under your fingertips, which makes you prone to making a mistake. If you want to be a more efficient research paper writer, try to use a smartphone/tablet keyboard instead. Or you can mirror it to your television screen.

That way, the entries will be a lot easier to reach, and you will reduce the writing time exponentially. In the end, you won’t get to spend an absurd amount of resources but still get to keep that efficiency.


Clearly, our mobile devices are more than just a way to pass the time. They are a convenient tool for research purposes that can help with writing a college assignment. All the apps, features, and options make the process quicker and more efficient. With the information we listed here, you can quickly get the hang of writing a paper on your smartphone.

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