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Drawing Tablet in Cheap

Graphic designing has become one trendy profession as everything is becoming digitalized now a days. A drawing tablet is one good source to unleash your drawing skills.

A drawing tablet, pen tablet or you can say a graphic tablet, these all are the names of tablet. This device, because comes with a pen so that it allow the user to draw with free hand sketches, animations and other graphic related tasks.

There are some digital drawing terms that you should know if you are a beginner. These terms will further help the beginners to understand a pen tablet in a better way.

Digital Terms

Stylus: Stylus is a hard diamond shaped pointer of the pen.

Pressure: The pressure sensitivity determines the level of pressure a stylus has. It is like a type of arbitrary. It basically tracks the pressure that you apply while you are drawing. The tablets having 2048 level of pressure takes and possess more information with the tablets having 1024 levels.

Latency: It is basically the time of exerting the pressure over the stylus on the screen. It is noticeable if the device is slow.

Controls: Drawing tablets come with the function keys which are designed and programmed by keeping the needs in mind. Many tablets have these feature keys on the pen whereas some of the tablets have these keys on the drawing area. The pen with the function keys are more reliable and time saving.

Like other things, there are some considerations to keep in mind when you are going to get a drawing tablets too.

Important things to know for drawing tablets


Before getting a drawing tablet, it is important to know about your need. Generally, these tablets are available between 6 inches to 8 inches and in A5 size. A medium sized tablet is a good size as many people want their tab to be the size of their monitor screens. On the other hand, if you are getting a big screened tablet then, it will give you large area to draw. Also, having a big sized drawing tablet comes with more shortcut keys and input qualities.

Resolution and LPI resolution

Generally, the resolution of a graphic tablet is 2732 x 2048. Many of them have a HD screen which is not specific to expensive ones. 4K resolution can also be found in some pc tablets. LPI is the line per inch. It refers to the measurement of printing the resolutions. The drawn line consist of halftone which is made with the ink dots for making different tones.


Accuracy, light weight and comfort is a key feature while you are using a graphic pad as it offers the user a good pressure of sensitivity. The maximum levels nowadays is 8192 but you don’t have to worry about it if you are using 2048, 4096, and 1024.

There are many pens that work with battery because they get their charging when they come in contact to the screen. Else, some of them have batteries and cords for charging purpose. If you are a newbie, it is a tip for you to get the tablet whose pen is battery less because it is lighter in weight and easy to use.

Tilt sensitivity

The tilt sensitivity means the way the user holds the pen because it effects the appearance of sketching lines.

Surface of the Tablet

The surface of the drawing tablet put an effect on your drawing experience. Tablets with paper like surface can give a more realistic feel for your drawing. The drawing tablets have either a glossy or a matt screen.

Here we have tried to mention every single thing that you should know about the drawing tablets.

Which product is recommended for beginners?

To begin with a drawing pad, the first thing that comes to the mind it should be budget friendly. Here we are mentioning the most recommended drawing tab for the beginners.

Wacom Intuos Pro

This drawing tablet is one best option for beginners. This drawing tablet is able to work with windows and apple operating system as well. You can find it in 3 different sizes that are small, medium and large. All the three sizes have same features.

The medium sized drawing tablet is mostly preferred as it includes latest technology pen that has 8192 pressure levels. It provides an efficient work flow with easy customizable radial menus and express keys.

The display size of this drawing tablet is 13.2 x 8.5. It allows to establish a connection with Windows or Mac operating system. The Bluetooth feature also enables to connect with your pc. This device is perfect to design with the proper detailing and customization with the pen or with the multi-feature zooming and navigation.

The pen has 2 interchangeable tips that allows you to cover every detail and you can get a pen holding stand.

The only drawback that we got to know is that this product is that it has a rough surface. It is still not an issue as different drawing tablets comes with different surfaces. Even some models have slippery screen. It all depends upon the user and his/her working styles.

Well, that is a brief review for a best drawing tablet for beginners that will help you start.


A graphic tab or the drawing tablet has become essential gadgets for graphic designers nowadays. It has provided ease as their features and drawing surface gives paper drawing experience. Make sure you are getting the device which is closest to your needs.

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