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5 Reasons Explaining Why Your Car Key Stops Working

5 Reasons Explaining Why Your Car Key Stops Working

A car plays an essential role in our lives, in fact, all vehicles do as with their help, even the long distances are covered in a matter of minutes, that too in a very relaxing way. All the cars; whether they are sports cars, luxurious Sedans, or vintage cars have one thing in common and that is they operate via a key. It is very important for you to keep your car key safe otherwise you can get in trouble. Have you faced a scenario where you get up in the morning and are ready to go to your office but your car doesn’t open? Or in other words, the key of your car stops working. This can be a stressful and highly frustrating situation where anybody can get upset as their routines will be disturbed and a lot of time will be wasted. However to save your time locksmiths are available on just one call. Many companies are offering locksmith services nowadays which can give you a couple of benefits.

Different Types of Car Keys

With the progress in technology, car manufacturers are making different and unique cars day by day. Every car company is in the race of surpassing the other company by making the best car. With the unique and amazing cars in making, car manufacturers have also started making unique car keys. Earlier, there used to be just one physical key of a car, and people used to open the lock with it. But now car companies have made several electronic keys that fit into the ignition point of your car. Some companies have also made a keyless remote control system that has different buttons on a remote. A locksmith has knowledge of every kind of car key and you can hire a locksmith service in Plantation if you get into car key-related problems.

When Does Your Car Key Stop Working?

  1. Damaged Lock

The most common problem that can result in a car lockout is the damaged car locks. When you use a physical key for opening and closing your car, you have to take care of it. An aggressive hold might damage the lock at a certain time and your car will not open. This situation calls for a locksmith who knows about all kinds of locks and will repair the damaged lock within no time. A locksmith ensures that the lock he has repaired fits in properly with your car key so that you don’t come across a similar problem again.

  1. Broken Key

A damaged lock can lead to a frustrating situation but the worst-case scenario is when your key actually breaks. A car key is made up of several elements that may get old and rusty with the passage of time. Therefore using the key properly is highly required especially in the case of physical keys. Sometimes when a person is struggling with his/her car lock, they try to open it by force and end up breaking the key. A locksmith can help you in this case as well by making you a duplicate key so you can access your car’s lock again.

  1. Battery Problem

Many cars now come with electronic keys and as the name suggests the key has an electronic system involved that works with the help of a battery. When you give your car the command to open with your electronic key and your car doesn’t respond it clearly means that your car key’s battery is out of order. A replacement with a new battery will help you and will make your car key work properly again.

  1. Key Not Programmed

A physical car key doesn’t require programming but in the case of an electronic key, the key must be programmed properly with the car. Usually, car keys are paired with the car with the help of a transmitter, and with that, the car reads all the commands. When the programming isn’t done properly, your car will not be able to read any commands and will not respond. So, a locksmith service pro can really help you out here and reprogram your keys so they can work properly with your car’s locking mechanism.

  1. Duplicate Key

Having some spare duplicate keys lying around with you sounds like a great idea at first as it can reduce the chances of an automotive lockout. But extra use of duplicate keys can be dangerous and it can change the mechanism of your locks. With excessive use of duplicate keys there comes a time when the original key stops working and you might have to get a new one.

The above-mentioned five situations can lead to a car lockout and can result in your car’s key not working properly. So, it is better to be always prepared for them.

Author’s Bio

Oliver Brown is a passionate blogger and has some technical background in IT and gaming. He is quite interested in all the latest gadgets and technology that come into the market. Oliver likes to explore things and often shares his findings with everyone. He also knows a lot about locksmith service in Plantation and shares it all with everyone in the form of his blogs.

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