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4 Strategies for Growing Your Startup in 2021

If you’re thinking about starting your own business, your main concern is probably how to make a profit grow the business, and overtime. Considering that 10% of startups fail within their first year, it’s easy to see why entrepreneurs can be discouraged and think growth is impossible.

However, it’s important to note that most of the startups that failed did so because the person who was running it didn’t have the right skills and tools needed to achieve success. If you don’t want to see your startup fail, you need to know all the strategies for staying competitive and growing your startup in 2021.

Use The Right Tools

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Thanks to technological advancements, businesses of all niches can take advantage of tools whose main purpose is to make their jobs easier and speed up growth and advancement. Unfortunately, many business owners either don’t use any tools or even worse, use the wrong ones.

To achieve growth, you need to be able to view all of your processes from every angle and see what needs to be done so you can achieve the optimal business outcomes. This can be achieved through process mining.

Process mining uses real data to identify any inefficiencies and inform you what needs to be improved. When you apply process mining at the organizational level, you can achieve the following:

Be Clear On Your Value Proposition

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

If you aren’t completely clear on your startup’s value proposition, it will be impossible to build a successful company. Your value proposition needs to explain how your startup can offer products or services that are unique and can meet or even exceed customers’ expectations.

A high number of entrepreneurs fail because their value proposition wasn’t well-defined or compelling enough. If you want to turn your business idea into a successful startup that has growth potential, you should establish a substantive value proposition.

It’s important to note how most startups can break into the market by engaging interested investors. You won’t be able to pique the interest of potential investors without a good value proposition that was created with a careful analysis of audience behaviors and preferences.

Your value proposition needs to be convincing but not too long or boring. Try to limit it to a headline, sub-headline, and three bullet points. Keep in mind that 45% of startups fold due to lack of capital or profitability. If you don’t create a good value proposition, you’ll probably fail for the same reason.

Know Your Target Audience

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Unless you have a clear understanding of who your target audience is, you won’t be able to create good marketing techniques and you will probably focus on the wrong product enhancements. If you don’t know who is most likely to buy your products, you will hardly be able to make a sale.

To establish your target audience, you need to identify your target market by doing the following:

When you collect enough data and information, you can use your findings to create buyer personas, which are fictional representations of your ideal customers and their unique qualities.

Establish Your KPIs

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Key performance indicators, better known as KPIs, are measurable values that companies use to determine how well they’re achieving their business objectives. Most startup founders focus on the KPIs that affect the growth of their company.

While you need to have a great focus on your KPIs, you should also keep track of all the changes that can be made so your KPIs can improve.

Some of the most important KPIs you can focus on are listed below, but are not necessarily limited to these. Nowadays, there are useful resources like sample KPI libraries that offer a wide variety of metrics from different industries and departments that can be used as a starting point for your performance management.

Final Thoughts

Growth is something every entrepreneur hopes for and strives towards. While it can be hard to grow a startup into a successful business, it’s not an impossible task. As long as you don’t allow yourself to be discouraged and apply all the necessary strategies, you’ll be impressed with your growth rate.

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